Okay, we had some technical glitches here at SJR Central, but we’ve persevered, overcome, vanquished all obstacles, and by “we” I mean my webmaster because Lord knows I have no idea how to do this stuff. But we said a few months ago the blog will be moving over here and here it is!
The reason for moving to WordPress is largely the technical ease of inserting images, something Journalscape didn’t offer. There are a few other bells and whistles over here, too, and all together they makes the switch worthwhile. I want to tip my hat to Kenny and the folks at Journalscape for hosting me since 2003. They set up the free site as a way to pay forward to the cyber-community and I benefitted greatly. Thanks, guys, and I wish you well.
So it’s July, and my buddies and I are occupying yet another new Rancho Obsesso here on the North Fork of Long Island. We’ve been together as a summer house for twenty-one, yes that’s 21, years and we’re a pretty tight bunch. Our problem is, houses keep getting sold out from under us and every three or four or five years we have to get used to yet another house. I thought to celebrate — well, and to test out — the ease of posting photos to the new blog, I’d show you the latest incarnation of Rancho Obsesso.

This Rancho is on a hill so here I am peering up from below.

Roses climbing up porch.

Fabulous long porch.
The birdfeeder outside the kitchen has already been visited by sparrows, cardinals, house finches, catbirds, robins, cowbirds, and a squirrel. So much for “squirrel proof.” I was, of course, rooting for the rodent. Ospreys with fish to feed their chicks have passed by overhead three times that I’ve seen, and an egret and a blue heron crossed paths just above our roof. And we only got here yesterday.
Oops. In publishing this I notice the comments section is closed. As I say, I have no idea how to do this magic. I just emailed the web genius, because I certainly, as always, want to hear from you! Soon… Happy fourth!
(Web Genius says: Please, the title is capitalized. Please review your contract. Comments are fixed, assuming commenters can do simple math. SJR sez: Of course they can, my commenters are polymaths! Little joke, see what I did there? Web Genius says: Also, a new subscription form is there to be tested. I’m sure we’ll hear if it doesn’t work. If it does, it’s magic. SJR sez: I love it that my Web Genius can also do magic.)
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