Do good, do well

This idea is so good I stole it. Ben Leroy first made a similar offer on his blog, and I loved it. So here it is. If you make a donation to any of the four funds below by the end of this month I’ll send you a book. The book will be a hardcover, first edition SJ Rozan, chosen randomly by Team Rozan from the SJ Rozan HQ vault. It’ll be signed. By me, smart guys. Just send me your mailing address and say which fund you chose. If you don’t want the world to know your mailing address don’t post it in the comments! Send it to: sjrozan AT (Gotta write it that way to defeat the bots, but you know how to do this.)

For the long-term medical, rehab, etc. needs of Jeff Bauman, the hero who lost both legs and helped ID the bombers from the ICU.

For the long-term medical, rehab, etc. needs of Patrick and Jessica Downes, newlyweds, runners, athletes, who each lost a leg in the bombings.

Yes, there are lots of other people in need of help. The above are three people I happen to know about. If you want to be more universal about it, you can give to One Fund Boston.

And if you’re a NYer and you want to keep your philanthropy closer to home, The Robin Hood Fund is still taking Sandy Relief Donations.

Feel free to re-post or forward or whatever it is you want to do. Offer’s good as long as the books last. If they run out before the end of the month, people will have to be content with the warm and fuzzy feeling they’re going to get by contributing. But let’s try it.

Thank you all.

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