And you didn’t even know I was here, right?
Been running around The Eternal City for three hot hot days. Lots of walking, lots of cappuccino. Saw the Velasquez of Innocent X at the Gallery Pomphilij, a painting that makes the Pope look so mean that when he saw it he said, “It is too true!” Went to the Borghese Gardens and Gallery, saw some beautiful Caravaggios and some pretty mediocre other paintings, too. Sat in the sidewalk cafe at Harry’s Bar for a little refreshment after that, and ended the afternoon with a visit to Rome’s famous cat sanctuary. One cat wanted to come home with me, and he was a charmer, but Bella wouldn’t be happy about that so I reluctantly left him behind.
Last night, Carlos Dews and I turned into Sam Cabot and did a reading from BLOOD OF THE LAMB, along with Conor Fitzgerald reading from his new Italy-set novel, THE MEMORY KEY. It was a lovely event, followed by, in true Roman style, a 10:30 pm dinner for 16 people at a nearby Sicilian restaurant. This morning, had breakfast with a friend I hadn’t seen in 15 years. Soon, going out for a final dinner — pasta al limone, if we can get it.
Then, tomorrow at 6 am, arrivederci Roma and back to the real world.
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