Hah! SJ Rozan’s in China and says no blogs until she gets back. That’s what she thinks! In BLOOD OF THE LAMB, she and Carlos Dews, writing as Sam Cabot, talk a lot about the Noantri. Well, that’s us. Also known as: Vampires! The book tries to correct some of the more egregious ideas about us, and we’ve taken over SJ’s blog while she’s away to continue that educational process for all you Unchanged out there. For example you may think of Vampires like this:

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The truth? Much more like this. This is socialite Dorothy Arnold. Rumor has it that she is one of ours.

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What are other readers (human readers) saying about BLOOD OF THE LAMB?

“…like taking a literary roller coaster ride through the streets of Rome…” -Marjorie writing on Goodreads

“I love literary suspense, and this is just my kind of book…a word of warning: it’s definitely controversial…Highly recommended.” -Tom S. writing on Amazon

“…full of twists and turns…” – Kendall writing on Goodreads

“…this is a must-read…” – Pam&Ralph writing on Amazon

“Blood of the Lamb by Sam Cabot was a great thriller and literary masterpiece.I could not put he book down.” -Dominick Bluni writing on Amazon

Faithfully Yours,

The Noantri Conclave

(We may be back…)

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