Art class

Because, I guess, anything is better than the US political situation right now, some folks have asked for more of the sketches I’m doing in Jonathan Santlofer’s art class. Okay, to distract you, here comes one. We don’t have a nude model here, by the way, so does anyone have Melania’s number?




  1. Susan Law says:

    No scrap of time unused! And on better pursuits than the show here. Do you get to see all the Giotto frescos?

  2. SJ Rozan says:

    Susan Law — Yes, and will go back and see them again. So beautiful!

  3. Nancy says:

    What fun you are having. I love the bold lines of black and blue. Very strong and filled with movement. Well done!

  4. SJ Rozan says:

    Nancy — the assignment was to draw with charcoal in your dominant hand and a pastel in the other — simultaneously!

  5. Nice to see you’re up to your usual fun!

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