The world is going to hell. You want to write about it, a novel, but you don’t know where to start.
The world is going to hell. You want to escape it, just briefly, and write a novel, but you don’t know where to go.
You’ve started to write a novel, but it’s become such a mess that you wish the entire thing would go to hell.
I’ll be leading a two-week fiction writing workshop from the tail end of June into early July at Art Workshop International in Assisi, Italy. I’ve been doing this for many years. Assisi is beautiful, the hotel is beautiful, and you’ll hang around with writers and artists making beautiful work.

We’ll get you started, or keep you going, unknot the mess and straighten things out. You’ll critique and be critiqued by others in the workshop and, not entirely incidentally, eat wonderful food. You’ll sit on the terrace and watch the sun go down.
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