Thunderbird Pow Wow

The Thunderbird Dancers are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and they were the hosts at the Pow Wow in Queens yesterday. I ventured out there with JL and Carlos Dews, Sam Cabot’s other half. Great, lively, noisy, sunny day. Herewith, some photos. As usual, more on Flickr, to get to which you click on any of these.


intertribal dance

young men's competition

young men’s competition

young men's competition

young men’s competition

grass dancers greet one another

grass dancers greet one another

grass dancers

grass dancers in action

taking a break

taking a break

jingle dress dancers greet one another

jingle dress dancers greet one another

jingle dress dancing

jingle dress dancing

jingle dress dancing

jingle dress dancing

tiny dancer

tiny jingle dress dancer

an intercultural moment

an intercultural moment

conch woman, a hoop dancer

conch woman, a hoop dancer

regalia detail

regalia detail

regalia detai

regalia detail

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