It’s Small Business Saturday

Shop independent, shop local! And what could be more independent and local than me, a writer? Plus, I’m small. So I encourage you to trot down to your local indie bookstore and pick up a few SJ Rozans. (By which I mean also, of course, Sam Cabots.) They make great holiday gifts, I promise you. If you don’t have a bookstore close by, Indie Bound can help you find one who’ll be happy to ship you your SJ Rozan fix. (And if you choose one near me — say, Three Lives and Co — I’ll happily amble down there and sign it for you.)

Now, okay, I have to accept the possibility that a lot of folks reading this, on account of it’s on my blog, after all, have already gone cross-eyed devouring my entire output. To you, I have three things to say.

One: thank you!

Two: then rush right out and buy someone else! The world is so full of good books you can’t possibly have read everything you want to. Buy books! From independent bookstores!

Three: after you’ve got yourself and your friends lots of new books, if you’re really wondering what else there is to buy that’s independent, local, and small, well, there are these:

the SJ Rozan 2014 New York Calendar


the SJ Rozan 2014 Accordion Calendar


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